How likely is it that you would recommend this event to a friend or colleague? * Very Likely Likely Somewhat Very Little Not at all Overall, how would you rate the event? * Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor What did you like about the event? What did you dislike about the event? How organized was the event? * Extremely organized Very organized Somewhat organized Not so organized Not at all organized Was the event length too long too short or about right? * Much too long Too long About right Too short Much too short How convenient was the location at Ward Village? Very convenient Convenient Somewhat convenient Not very convenient Not at all convenient What type of arrangements would you like to create at our next DIY event? * Check all that apply! Regular Sized Succulent Arrangements ($40-50) Large Sized Succulent Arrangements ($50+) Air Plant Arrangements Geometric Arrangements Teacup Arrangements Is there anything else youβd like to share about the event? Accents or figurines you would like to see? Arrangement styles you would like to create? Thanks for your feedback! Use codeDIYLIFEfor %10 off your next DIY event with us!