We love unthirsty plants! Come and support the Halawa Xeriscape Garden's Annual Unthirsty Plant Sale, by joining us for some unique plant shopping and fun! We'll be there with a wide range of succulents and air plants!
From: www.boardofwatersupply.com
The activities at this family-friendly and admission-free event are focused on xeriscaping, a creative way to reduce outdoor water use through efficient landscaping. The plant sale will be a fun-filled day for the whole family.
Event-goers can expect the following:
More than ten local plant vendors providing a variety of less-thirsty plants such as longevity spinach, peperomia, pregnant onion, rosemary, and more.
Xeriscape workshops by garden experts.
10:30 a.m. Sustainable Landscaping with Xeric Native Hawaiian Plants – Heidi Bornhorst
11:30 a.m. Xeriscape 101 – Mark Takemoto
12:30 p.m. Aquaponics – Raychel Watkins
1:30 p.m. Backyard Compost – Miya Devoogd
Rain Barrel Tent
10:00 a.m. Rain Barrel Workshop – BWS Staff
11:00 a.m. Succulent Care – Ron Fitch
12:00 p.m. Da Bug Doctor - Andrew Nowinski
1:00 p.m. Rain Barrel Workshop – BWS Staff
Social media contest; play to win awesome prizes.
Keiki activities.
Educational booths and plant crafts:
Commission on Water Resource Management
Da Bug Doctor
Hawaiian Electric
Master Gardeners of Oahu
Plant Quarantine Branch – Hawaii State Department of Agriculture
Scenic Hawaii
Storm Water Quality Branch – City and County of Honolulu, Department of Facility Maintenance
Refuse Division – City and County of Honolulu, Department of Environmental Services
Free soil conditioner.
Cactus and Succulent Society of Hawaii display of award-winning cacti and succulents.
A Water for People food concession where proceeds support safe drinking water and sanitation projects in third world countries.